Why is your ad account disabled by Facebook – how to prevent and recover ?

facebook ad account disabled | Why is your ad account disabled by Facebook - how to prevent and recover ? | Digital Arnab

Is Facebook banning your ad account every now and then? If yes I know the pain. You can’t advertise anymore. You don’t get the sales. This is most frustrating for any business owner. In this article we will discuss how Facebook algorithm works to detect an ad, how to avoid getting banned, what precautions to take and what contingency plan you can have so that even if Facebook bans you, you can continue advertising.

Why Facebook ads is important for your business

With Facebook ads you can reach to customers who even did not know about your product. In Google ads if a customer knows your product then only he will search and come to you. In Facebook even if the customer don’t know you, you can reach him. It is great if you have a product that customer don’t know exists. Also it has been seen Facebook ad are relatively cheap than Google ads.

Table of Contents

Why Facebook is banning ad accounts more often than ever ?

First let us look into the below chart.

Facebook advertiser increase from 2019-2020 -Digital Arnab
Facebook user increase from 2019 to 2020 - digitalarnab.com

From Oct 2019 to Dec 2020 Facebook user base has increased by 1.36%. But advertisers have increased by 42.85%. As the number of businesses have increased Facebook can’t cater all of them. Sometimes you get banned abruptly. As due to covid 19 everyone is sitting at home and planning for a 2nd income source. They are trying their hands in online business. And there are lots of businesses who are here to gain some short term money. They create a page, sale some low quality products, sometimes they take the payment from customer but never send the product to them. Due to these scammers honest businesses are also hit. Facebook is not a human, there are some bots or we call it Artificial Intelligence which detects some patters and if it found something suspicious it bans the account.

Whenever there is a new ad account Facebook keeps an eye on it. And even if you do a tiny mistake you get the message “Ad account disabled due to policy violation”. I have seen people lost access to their new business manager, ad account and even personal profile as well.

So how do you safeguard your ad account and your business manager?

Take 30 minutes or more if required and read the Facebook ad policy. Yes it is necessary. As they say you have to know the rule of the game to master it.

There are some best practices to follow to avoid an account ban. And I will guide you through that.

Always use Business Manager

Never use your own ad account to advertise. If something goes wrong you can lose your personal Facebook profile as well. Always use Facebook business manager. In Business Manager you can have multiple ad accounts.

Warm up the page

You need a page to advertise. Most people create the page and start running ad instantly. And that seems to promote something fishy to Facebook. You need to rather create a few posts for 2-7 days. Post something every day on your page so that Facebook thinks you are a genuine business, you care for its users, and you post something helpful for them.

Warm up the ad account

Run a Page like, Reach or Traffic campaign for Rs 500 or 10$. This will give you some attractions. It is risky to go for a straight Conversion campaign. Facebook thinks every new account is scamming people. Make a mindset that you won’t make money on the first 1-2 days.

Read Facebook Policies

Even if you don’t read Facebook policies completely at least read personal attributes and discriminatory practices. Most of the advertisers fail to comply this and get punished.

Craft your copy carefully

Anything that claims a magical cure to a problem is a scam in Facebook’s eye. If you are selling beauty products avoid writing copies like “Get fair skin in two days” or “Make money fast”. Anything that sounds misleading Facebook will block immediately from advertising. Avoid words like “Free”, “Quickly”, “Fast”.

Don’t make anyone feel embarrassed

Facebook became one of the largest companies in the world only because it takes care of its users. And it doesn’t want you call it’s users Fat and ugly. If you are selling a weight loss program never write “Are you overweight? Do you want to lose weight?” For beauty products never use a before after picture in your creative – example a Fat guy before using your product and a slim man after using your product. Anything that a person can feel embarrassed, low or weak about himself should be avoided. In the same way avoid the phrases like “Are you suffering from…”, “Do you need more income?”, “Are you bankrupt and need loan?”

Your ad and landing page should have similarity

Make sure ad copy, creative and landing page have similarities otherwise Facebook thinks it misleading and bans you.

No broken links

Make sure all the links and buttons of your landing page are working. Check the page, make a test purchase before you run the ad.

Avoid the word “other”

Avoid or be very careful to use words like “other”, “you”, “your”. If you are running a dating website and your copy is like “Find other handsome males” it can cause you a ban.

Facebooks doesn’t like words crypto, covid 19, lockdown, corona. So be careful to use these.

Restricted products

Don’t promote products that Facebook can think a weapon like a kitchen knife. Take a look at Facebook’s restricted product guidelines. Weapon, tobacco, alcohol, drug, medicines, adults products, crypto currencies can’t be promoted in Facebook.

Ad spend

Make sure you don’t spend too much during the initial days. Initially there is a threshold amount for every ad account. Make sure you are spending less than that. Gradually increase the daily ad budget but don’t increase like 200% or so.

Always have policy pages in your website

Make sure you add all the policy pages – disclaimer, privacy policy, terms of service, return policy, GDPR and cookie policy updated in the page. If you are using is any default template (like shopify) for the policies make sure to update the default fields.

Update the contact information

Update the email, support phone number and physical store address if possible in your website so that customer and Facebook both can ensure you are a legit business.

Verify business

Though it is not mandatory but it is a good practice to verify your business in business manager. This gives Facebook some trust. Even if Facebook bans you and you need to ask for a review sometimes it is mandatory to go for business verification. Business verification generally takes time so I always recommend doing it beforehand.

What to do in the crisis

Prevention is better that cure. But we can’t ignore the contingency. Even after following all the steps I have noticed some of my client’s accounts were banned. You can’t control Facebook right? Remember Facebook has billions of advertisers to gain profit from. You and I are very little fish in its pond. They say that you are not a Facebook marketer if Facebook never banned your account. Don’t panic if it happens with you. It happens with everyone.

So here are two cases – restriction of ad account and restriction on business manager.

What to do if Facebook restricts your ad account

“Ad account disabled for unusual activity” – is the scariest message for every Facebook marketer. In Facebook we have business manager where we have all the assets. Every business manager can have multiple ad accounts typically from one to five depending on ad spent.

Once you spend 50$ on an ad account you are eligible to create another account. I always recommend doing that. So that you have a backup account in case you lose the primary. The first thing you want to do is ask for a review.

Once you go for a review it may take up to 48 hours or more sometimes. You can go to the help section in your business manager and contact the review team via chat support. If you can’t see the option you might want to contact them via Facebook support inbox. Be extremely polite with the support team. Sometimes Facebook AI mistakenly restricts your ad account. If they found everything ok they would re insist your account, no worries.

What to do if Facebook restricts your business manager

Getting Business Manager restricted means you can’t use any of your account, pages, pixel anything. Without wasting time go for a review. If your business is already verified the review process will be a little faster. As of today Facebook doesn’t have a phone support so the only way to contact them is via email, chat or support inbox.

Create backup business managers beforehand. One Facebook profile can have two business managers. Create your second business manager with different email. If you need more business managers you can use any of your employee’s, friend’s or family’s profile just to create the business manager. Use different cards or payment methods if you have.

So go ahead and implement these in your marketing campaigns. You can check my eCommerce tutorial on how you can setup your shopify or woocommerce store and run Facebook ads to get the initial sales. I have also explained how you can scale your campaign. I have created a Free step by step eCommerce guidebook to help you create a six figure business. Make sure to check out that as well.

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facebook ad account disabled | Why is your ad account disabled by Facebook - how to prevent and recover ? | Digital Arnab

About Arnab Gharai

I am a digital marketing specialist and consultant with 4 years of experience. I help businesses to generate more revenue using digital marketing, building their brand visibility and crafting message which resonates their customers.

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